Feed #99


Doc Norton - Agile Metrics - Velocity is NOT the Goal:

I’m Not a Servant - I’m a Host! A New Metaphor for Leadership in Agile?


Trackers Are Out Of Control - F-Secure labs

How Microsoft built, and is still building, Windows 10

Ending support for the RC4 cipher in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11

Creating your own browser with HTML and JavaScript
It is easier to understand on the MicrosoftEdge/JSBrowser GitHub repository

V8 Release 4.6 - V8 JavaScript Engine


morphing search input

Railgun v5 has landed: better, faster, lighter - CloudFlare

Facebook’s New Spam-Killer Hints at the Future of Coding


Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

From Wordpress to Jekyll: My new blog setup

The First Micro-service Architecture

How I Increased Lonely Planet’s In-App Purchase Revenue By 30% (Case Study Inside)

The Cognitively Biased Designer