Feed #95

Doing Terrible Things To Your Code - Jeff Atwood

A deep look at CVE-2015-5477 and how CloudFlare Virtual DNS customers are protected - CloudFlare Blog

Let’s Build A Web Server. Part 1.
Let’s Build A Web Server. Part 2.
Let’s Build A Web Server. Part 3.

Cowboy coding

Getting Started with Windows 10 - Scott Hanselman

To Validate or Verify? - Sauce Labs Blog

An Open Letter to Microsoft’s CEO: Don’t Roll Back the Clock on Choice and Control - The Mozilla Blog

Bringing automated testing to Microsoft Edge through WebDriver - Microsoft Edge Dev Blog

How Detailed should the Product Backlog be?

DNS parser, meet Go fuzzer - CloudFlare Blog

Welcome to The Internet of Compromised Things - Jeff Atwood

Making Netflix.com Faster - The Netflix Tech Blog

How Google Invented An Amazing Datacenter Network Only They Could Create - High Scalability

Alphabet - https://abc.xyz/