Feed #64


Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2015: The Results

How We Spend Our Money, a Breakdown

Continuous Delivery

5 Things You Should Know About Continuous Deployment…by the Man Who Coined the Term

Is Continuous Delivery Riskier?

Surveillance and security

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO):
“John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to discuss the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, and dick-pics.”
(you can jump to ~16:00 for the Snowden interview)

New LinkedIn Security Site: Helping Members and Businesses Better Understand our Security Practices
Well the security practices page is pretty empty for now, but that’s a good start !

Enough With the Salts: Updates on Secure Password Schemes


3 steps to taming technical debt

Towards Compliance as Code


Refactoring: How do I even start?

What Story Does Your Code Tell?

Dynamic Repeating Sass Colors

Loading CSS without blocking render
Interesting trick to trigger DOMContentLoaded faster. But not cross-browser compliant. Heads-up definitively correct.


Experimenting with HHVM at Etsy

To Shard, or Not to Shard

The Key to Distributed Database Performance: Scalability