China’s Man-on-the-Side Attack on GitHub
Remote Code Execution Possible Via Dell System Detect - F-Secure Weblog
This is really bad…
Maintaining digital certificate security - Google Online Security
Distrusting New CNNIC Certificates - Mozilla Security Blog
Truecrypt report
Nothing bad found on the technical side. What about the human one?
The One Immutable Law of Adopting Agile
The Product Roadmap and the Product Backlog
Every Great Product Owner Needs a Great ScrumMaster
User Stories are Not Enough to Create a Great User Experience
Out with unwanted ad injectors
Debug IE from Chrome DevTools:
The state and rate of HTTP/2 adoption
[FR] Le Code civil français, sous Git
[Interview] Steeve Morin nous explique pourquoi il a mis le Code civil dans GitHub
[FR] Assemblée nationale ~ RENSEIGNEMENT(no 2669) - Amendement n°62