Feed #156

Hello dear reader,
It’s been a while! Anyhow, here is a list of interesting links I came across in 2017.
Most of them are from a year ago, but still worth reading.


In Urban China, Cash Is Rapidly Becoming Obsolete

How far ahead of Apple Maps is Google Maps? [2017]

How to do a rewrite

A great serie by a Lead Software Engineer at New Relic on how they rewrote a legacy software system and deploy it. Great insights regarding technical challenges at scale even thought they performed stress test. It’s not done until 100% of the traffic is handled by the new system!


How we build our Product Roadmap at Asana

WTF is Strategy?


How JavaScript works: inside the V8 engine + 5 tips on how to write optimized code

Building the DOM faster: speculative parsing, async, defer and preload
Since then we got this great article by Addy Osmani: Preload, Prefetch And Priorities in Chrome

Firefox : comment WebRender va rendre l’affichage plus fluide

Amazing tool: Chrome User Experience Report

Code Review

Code Review at Criteo

Manual Code Review Anti-Patterns

Yelp Code Review Guidelines

Crazy world

Russia Bans 1.8 Million Amazon and Google IPs in Attempt to Block Telegram [April 2018]

DRM’s Dead Canary: How We Just Lost the Web, What We Learned from It, and What We Need to Do Next

The Web began dying in 2014, here’s how

Cory Doctorow: Demon-Haunted World


Software Complexity Is Killing Us

6 Coaching Tips for Scrum Masters

The Unplayable Piano: How Frustration Makes Us Creative


A few great ways to consume RESTful API in C#

Postman best practices: How Raygun’s engineering team uses Postman to improve our workflow
I’ll definitely gonna try Postman after my small experience with Swagger

Netflix magic

Incredible work by Netflix. No wonder their service is pristine!

AVA: The Art and Science of Image Discovery at Netflix

in case you’d like an overview of what they do:
How Netflix works: the (hugely simplified) complex stuff that happens every time you hit Play

Chaos Engineering: A Lesson From the Experts


[FR] Les valeurs en entreprise

[FR] 5 statistiques surprenantes sur le métier de développeur en France