Feed #127

User experience

Business Software Doesn’t Have to Hurt

125 Easy Tweaks to Optimize Your Website’s Usability Today

Long term quality

Iterating Toward Legacy – Scrum’s Achilles Heel - Agile Alliance

The Technical Debt Myth

Technical Debt Shouldn’t Be Handled Like Financial Debt

Test strategy

Strategies for Writing Useful Tests

Code Review Like You Mean It

How to run database integration tests 20 times faster



Chrome Chrome 51.0.2704.63 Stable Channel Update

Advance Disclosure Needed to Keep Users Secure - The Mozilla Blog


Is DevOps Bad for Security? - DZone

Hardening SSH with OTP for 2 factor authentication

Pastejacking Attack Appends Malicious Terminal Commands To Your Clipboard

Full-text search

Solr 6, SolrCloud and SQL Queries

An Introduction to Elasticsearch

