

Collection of Redis tutorials

Note: In 30min-1H reading, you should have a good idea of what is Redis and how data is manipulated.

Thinking In Redis (part one)

Redis: Zero to Master in 30 minutes - Part 1
Redis: Zero to Master in 30 minutes - Part 2

The Little Redis Book

Videos :
Why and When You Should Use Redis
Production problem example
Using PostgreSQL with Redis


Recommendations :
5 Key Takeaways for Developing with Redis Redis Tips (Mozilla)

Getting Started with Redis (by vmware, which was sponsor)

Redis, from the Ground Up



By default, RDB persistence (by snapshots) is activated with several criterias:

################################ SNAPSHOTTING  #################################
# Save the DB on disk:
#   save <seconds> <changes>
#   Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given
#   number of write operations against the DB occurred.
#   In the example below the behaviour will be to save:
#   after 900 sec (15 min) if at least 1 key changed
#   after 300 sec (5 min) if at least 10 keys changed
#   after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed
#   Note: you can disable saving at all commenting all the "save" lines.
#   It is also possible to remove all the previously configured save
#   points by adding a save directive with a single empty string argument
#   like in the following example:
#   save ""

save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000

But AOF persistance (append-only file: logs) is yet to be activated:

  appendonly yes
  • Le tout est sauvé sous /var/lib/redis/ ; cf les paramètres ‘‘dbfilename’’ et ‘‘dir’’
  • On peut demander à Redis de sauvegarder MAINTENANT avec la commande ‘‘‘BGSAVE’’’ (ou ‘‘‘SAVE’'’, mais bloquante).
  • La commande LASTSAVE donne le timestamp unix de la dernière sauvegarde
  • La commande CONFIG GET * permet d’avoir tous les paramètre d’un coup
  • La commande CONFIG SET parameter value permet de changer en live sans redémarrer Redis ; mais ne modifie pas /etc/redis/redis.conf